City Feed & Supply
Welcome to
A Bit of Hope, Inc.
Established 2011
A Bit of Hope, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit recreational facility for special needs children and adults. We provide supervised horseback riding, a sensory garden, and other special recreational programming to suit the needs of our clients and their families. It is a community-based organization run solely by volunteers and funded by donations, memberships, and grants.

Founded in 2011.

Officers and Board Members
President: Katie Hutton
Vice President: LaTeasha Davis
Secretary/Treasurer: Joni Hutton
Reporter: Christy Poe
Board Member: Ann Wheeler
Board Member: Mallory George
Board Member: Christina Simmons
Board Member: Erin Roberts
Become a Volunteer
Join us in the garden, on the farm, or assist with a camp! Earn reputable community service hours that satisfy job or school-based CTSO requirements. No prior experience is required, just a passion for agriculture, gardening, animal science, local food, or simply being outside in nature with your hands in the dirt!
Purchase a CSA Share
Purchase a CSA share and help end hunger in our county! Each CSA share sold provides funding for fresh meals for the homeless, offset production costs for fresh produce grown for families that need meals, and assists with our "seed the need" programming curriculum for teaching youth in our area the importance of fresh food and how a seed may become supper with a bit of hope. Each week, we provide you with a "share" of our fresh, locally produced vegetables and flowers.
Youth Apprentice Program
Apply to spend the summer working on the farm! Experience farm life from behind-the-scenes with hands-on learning and leadership opportunities through food, farming, marketing, farmraising, community outreach, and business. Tasks include but are not limited to soil prep, composting, planting, irrigation, weeding, pest managenment, harvesting, packing, sales. The program is an opportunity for youth to advance their knowledge and skills in sustainable agriculture.

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